Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Sunset Review Asks For Suggestions To Fix TxDOT

December 5, 2007

Dear Recipient:

The Sunset Advisory Commission would like your help in reviewing and improving the State’s transportation system. The Legislature, through the Texas Sunset Act, has charged our Commission with reviewing the mission and performance of the Texas Department of Transportation.

In general, the Sunset Commission periodically evaluates state agencies to determine if the agency is needed, if it is operating effectively, and if state funds are well spent. Based on the recommendations of the Sunset Commission, the Texas Legislature ultimately decides whether an agency continues to operate into the future. Additional information on the Sunset Commission can be found on our website at

As part of this agency’s review, we seek the input of organizations and individuals who have an interest in the agency. Please take some time to comment on the attached preliminary issues identified by the Sunset Commission staff as potential research areas. Also, let us know of other issues of interest to you or your organization. Feel free to share copies of this e-mail and the attachment with any others who may have an interest in the Texas Department of Transportation. To help ensure the free flow of information, anything submitted to Sunset staff during the review until the staff report is released is confidential, and will not be shared with anyone outside of Sunset staff.

To give the staff time to consider your information during our review of the Texas Department of Transportation, we request you send your response by Monday, January 7, 2008. Please mail, e-mail, or fax your comments to the address or fax number provided in the attached Preliminary Issue List. Also, if you need more information or have questions about our process, please contact Jennifer Jones at (512) 463-1300. We greatly appreciate your assistance and look forward to hearing your ideas.


Ken Levine
Deputy Director
Sunset Advisory Commission

Preliminary Issue List

Texas Department of Transportation


Organization you represent:

1. Based on your experience, how could TxDOT’s transportation planning process be improved?

2. How could TxDOT improve its public outreach, education, and participation efforts, particularly in the development of transportation projects?

3. How well does TxDOT work with its local, regional, state, and federal partners?

4. How could TxDOT improve the way it purchases right-of-way? Should the Department be authorized to purchase property that is available on the open market?

5. To what extent should TxDOT be able to use alternative financing methods, such as private investments and public private partnerships, in addition to the traditional means of funding roadways and transportation through fees and taxes?

6. What improvements are needed in how TxDOT lets and manages contracts for highway construction and maintenance, for both traditional tax-funded projects and projects funded through innovative financing techniques?

7. How could TxDOT do a better job of managing vehicle titles and registrations?

8. What improvements are needed in how TxDOT administers its regulatory programs, including motor vehicle dealer licensing?

9. Should the State and TxDOT direct more resources towards other modes of transportation, such as rail, to meet the State’s transportation needs?

10. Should the Texas Department of Transportation be continued for 12 years? Should the Legislature make changes to the mission or functions of the Department?

11. Please add any other comments about the Texas Department of Transportation. If you would like to suggest any changes to the Department, its operations, or its statute, please provide:

* a brief statement of the suggested change,
* background information on how the current system works and a description of what you would like to see changed,
* the benefits of your recommendation, and
* any potential difficulties that may arise from implementing your recommendation.

Please return to:

Jennifer Jones
Sunset Advisory Commission
P.O. Box 13066
Austin, Texas 78711
Fax: (512) 463-0705
Phone: (512) 463-1300